Here are some questions that are commonly asked during interview, But before you read them please note that experiencing being tensed before the interview is just normal. The more that you pay attention to it the more that it will get worse. Just let it go. In fact being nervous is actually helpful because it make you think faster and enhance your ability to concentrate:
1. Tell me something about yourself. - Apart from giving basic details about yourself give one or two information about you which are relevant to the position you are applying for. For example after giving your interviewer your name, address, marital status, educational background, you could mention about a skill or experience that is necessary in the position that you are applying for.)
2. Tell me something about your present or your recent job. - The interviewer objective for asking this question is either to know if how your previous experience would fit it to their organisation or whether you have some negative reasons why you were leaving job.
3. Why do you think you are the best applicant for the position? - Don't brag. Of course you would not know until it was offered to you. Just answer it by giving your relevant skills and experience.
4. What are your positive and negative qualities? - You should know your positive qualities but in giving your negative qualities, make it sure that they can be converted into positive ones or that you had already found a way to overcome it. For example you could say that you are perfectionist and that you are not satisfied unless your work is done properly, or maybe you could say that coming on time is one of your weaknesses but you had already bought an alarm clock that had been serving you right over the years.
5. How would you dealt with an angry customer? What is being established here is your emotional composure. Hence tell them that you are able to maintain a sense of objectivity is such situation. (If in reality you cannot then start practicing to do so.)
Other things that you should do are, come say 15 minutes before your interview, dress appropriately, thank your interviewer after the session and do not give your interviewer the impression that you are so desperate to get the job.

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