Sunday 5 July 2009

Tips on Making Money in the Recession

Make Money In The Recession! yes it's possible.


To make money in the recession, one must be able to learn how to swim through the direction of flow.

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There are so many ways and it is dependent on each individual's circumstance.

One thing for example is when you got a mortgage. Most likely during recession, interest rate are lower in order to encourage people to spend their money.

Notice also that property prices are dropping down. Hence your mortgage is most likely on the down, i.e. negative equity. Therefor if you are on a repayment scheme then your money is just going to nowhere, i.e. paying for nothing.

Your best option therefore is to change to interest only scheme, this will make your mortgage very cheap, you can then just change into repayment when the property prices are going up.

Meanwhile you can use your money for something else rather than paying for your mortgage.


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