Loosing weight is not about eating less. If you try to loose weight by starving yourself you will end up in a hospital or if you are not very lucky you will end up dead.
Loosing weight is comparable to economy. If you earn a lot of money and you spend very little you will end up with more money. On the other hand if you earn very little and spend more than your earning you will end up broke.
The comparison therefore is between money and eating, and spending and exercising, or more precisely: money to calorie and spending to burning calorie.
Hence if you want to loose weight is just burning more calorie than what has been taken. For example if you eat food that has a calorie of “X” then you must engage yourself in an activity which will burn more than X calorie.
A more concrete example is like this. Say for example you ate a large portion of Cheese burger, you take about 800 calories, hence if you want to get rid of this in order that you don’t gain weight, you must do an activity which will spend all these calories. If you want to burn them by slow pace walking, you are burning calorie at approx 140 calorie per hour then you have to walk for about 5 hours and 45 minutes. Or if you want to do it faster, you can run for about an hour. If running for an hour and walking for almost six hours sound too much for you then a large portion of cheese burger is also too much for you.
To know more about calorie equivalent of foods and activities, click the links below:
with a little help from a friend
and I get by with a little help from a friend.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Earnign cash from your blog

The banner above will direct you to a website where you canregister your blog so that you can bid to advertisers to advertize in your blog.
The mechanics is just so simple once your are registered. You simply choose advertisements, bid and then wait for the advertiser to accept your bid.
The site has a facility to assess your blog rank and will suggest appropriate pricing for your advertisements.
Try it - it has no catch. Just make sure you read their terms and conditions so that your blog will not be suspended or deleted from their list.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
SEO tip
When your blog is not as popular as others, you don't know if how do you rank in relation to a particular key word. For example if I google my blog title I would find a list of websites but none of which is my blog, so where is my blog in terms of ranking?
Actually there is a tool that you can use from yahoo for free. Just key in a key word or words of your choice and your website and then click then hit enter. Just follow the link to go the tool. Good luck.
Yahoo Rank Checker
Actually there is a tool that you can use from yahoo for free. Just key in a key word or words of your choice and your website and then click then hit enter. Just follow the link to go the tool. Good luck.
Yahoo Rank Checker
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Tips on Understanding Stock Market Jargons
Ever wonder what blue chips are? Do you often hear DOWJones?
What is a bull and what is a bear?
Before you ever try buying stocks you should understand the basic first.
Here is a link that will explain all: With a little help from a friend
you may also be interested in forex trading
and forex trading glossary (a-z)
What is a bull and what is a bear?
Before you ever try buying stocks you should understand the basic first.
Here is a link that will explain all: With a little help from a friend
you may also be interested in forex trading
and forex trading glossary (a-z)
How to Avoid Swin Flu
How to avoid swine flu?
Sometimes traveling is inevitable, hence risking getting swineflu infection is also unavoidable.
Here are some simple things you can do when traveling in order to avoid swine flu.
Wear mask. Though there is no guarantee that it can stop the virus but at least it can minimize the chances. Also we sometimes touch our mouth and nose unmindfully, hence if it so happened that we touch the virus by accident, at least this will prevent a direct contact between your hand and mouth or nose.
Keep distance from people if possible. It is when they sneeze that the virus can be transmitted.
Bring with you a hand sanitzer. Make sure that you disinfect most of the places in your seats where others might have touched, example, seat belt, hand rest, earphones, etc. If hand sanitizer is not allowed in the plane, a wet sanitized tisue is a good alternative.
Avoid using the toilet as it is an enclosed room, i.e. when someone sneezes, chances are the droplets stays in it.
If traveling with children, encourage them to use nappies (extra large and pull ups are prefered.) in order to avoid bringing them inside the toilet.
Wash your hands or sanitzed them frequently. Avoid touching your mouth and nose.
view source how to avoid swineflu
(all you want to know about swinefly - with a little help from a friend)
Sometimes traveling is inevitable, hence risking getting swineflu infection is also unavoidable.
Here are some simple things you can do when traveling in order to avoid swine flu.
Wear mask. Though there is no guarantee that it can stop the virus but at least it can minimize the chances. Also we sometimes touch our mouth and nose unmindfully, hence if it so happened that we touch the virus by accident, at least this will prevent a direct contact between your hand and mouth or nose.
Keep distance from people if possible. It is when they sneeze that the virus can be transmitted.
Bring with you a hand sanitzer. Make sure that you disinfect most of the places in your seats where others might have touched, example, seat belt, hand rest, earphones, etc. If hand sanitizer is not allowed in the plane, a wet sanitized tisue is a good alternative.
Avoid using the toilet as it is an enclosed room, i.e. when someone sneezes, chances are the droplets stays in it.
If traveling with children, encourage them to use nappies (extra large and pull ups are prefered.) in order to avoid bringing them inside the toilet.
Wash your hands or sanitzed them frequently. Avoid touching your mouth and nose.
view source how to avoid swineflu
(all you want to know about swinefly - with a little help from a friend)
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Tips on how to live a greener life
Tips on how to live a greener life
It's all about climate change and carbon dioxide (CO2) foot print. What is happening or what have been happening is that CO2 emission over the past years can no longer be tolerated by nature to the effect that climate's pattern has been significantly changed. Hence the best solution therefore is to minimize it.
It's down to the big players particularly America and China. Because they are manufacturing load of things, then they are emitting loads of CO2.
On another hand each one can do his own contribution to save the planet. One simple way of doing it is by walking rather than driving. Another is wear jumpers of layers of jumpers indoor rather than use your centralized heating. Walking is good for your health, not using too much heater indoor is good for your skin and scalp.
Saving the Planet = good health and beautigul skin and healthy scalp.
It's all about climate change and carbon dioxide (CO2) foot print. What is happening or what have been happening is that CO2 emission over the past years can no longer be tolerated by nature to the effect that climate's pattern has been significantly changed. Hence the best solution therefore is to minimize it.
It's down to the big players particularly America and China. Because they are manufacturing load of things, then they are emitting loads of CO2.
On another hand each one can do his own contribution to save the planet. One simple way of doing it is by walking rather than driving. Another is wear jumpers of layers of jumpers indoor rather than use your centralized heating. Walking is good for your health, not using too much heater indoor is good for your skin and scalp.
Saving the Planet = good health and beautigul skin and healthy scalp.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Tips on Making Money in the Recession

To make money in the recession, one must be able to learn how to swim through the direction of flow.

There are so many ways and it is dependent on each individual's circumstance.
One thing for example is when you got a mortgage. Most likely during recession, interest rate are lower in order to encourage people to spend their money.
Notice also that property prices are dropping down. Hence your mortgage is most likely on the down, i.e. negative equity. Therefor if you are on a repayment scheme then your money is just going to nowhere, i.e. paying for nothing.
Your best option therefore is to change to interest only scheme, this will make your mortgage very cheap, you can then just change into repayment when the property prices are going up.
Meanwhile you can use your money for something else rather than paying for your mortgage.

Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview
Avail of some very special accomodation deals, visit Accor Hotels.
Here are some questions that are commonly asked during interview, But before you read them please note that experiencing being tensed before the interview is just normal. The more that you pay attention to it the more that it will get worse. Just let it go. In fact being nervous is actually helpful because it make you think faster and enhance your ability to concentrate:
1. Tell me something about yourself. - Apart from giving basic details about yourself give one or two information about you which are relevant to the position you are applying for. For example after giving your interviewer your name, address, marital status, educational background, you could mention about a skill or experience that is necessary in the position that you are applying for.)
2. Tell me something about your present or your recent job. - The interviewer objective for asking this question is either to know if how your previous experience would fit it to their organisation or whether you have some negative reasons why you were leaving job.
3. Why do you think you are the best applicant for the position? - Don't brag. Of course you would not know until it was offered to you. Just answer it by giving your relevant skills and experience.
4. What are your positive and negative qualities? - You should know your positive qualities but in giving your negative qualities, make it sure that they can be converted into positive ones or that you had already found a way to overcome it. For example you could say that you are perfectionist and that you are not satisfied unless your work is done properly, or maybe you could say that coming on time is one of your weaknesses but you had already bought an alarm clock that had been serving you right over the years.
5. How would you dealt with an angry customer? What is being established here is your emotional composure. Hence tell them that you are able to maintain a sense of objectivity is such situation. (If in reality you cannot then start practicing to do so.)
Other things that you should do are, come say 15 minutes before your interview, dress appropriately, thank your interviewer after the session and do not give your interviewer the impression that you are so desperate to get the job.
Here are some questions that are commonly asked during interview, But before you read them please note that experiencing being tensed before the interview is just normal. The more that you pay attention to it the more that it will get worse. Just let it go. In fact being nervous is actually helpful because it make you think faster and enhance your ability to concentrate:
1. Tell me something about yourself. - Apart from giving basic details about yourself give one or two information about you which are relevant to the position you are applying for. For example after giving your interviewer your name, address, marital status, educational background, you could mention about a skill or experience that is necessary in the position that you are applying for.)
2. Tell me something about your present or your recent job. - The interviewer objective for asking this question is either to know if how your previous experience would fit it to their organisation or whether you have some negative reasons why you were leaving job.
3. Why do you think you are the best applicant for the position? - Don't brag. Of course you would not know until it was offered to you. Just answer it by giving your relevant skills and experience.
4. What are your positive and negative qualities? - You should know your positive qualities but in giving your negative qualities, make it sure that they can be converted into positive ones or that you had already found a way to overcome it. For example you could say that you are perfectionist and that you are not satisfied unless your work is done properly, or maybe you could say that coming on time is one of your weaknesses but you had already bought an alarm clock that had been serving you right over the years.
5. How would you dealt with an angry customer? What is being established here is your emotional composure. Hence tell them that you are able to maintain a sense of objectivity is such situation. (If in reality you cannot then start practicing to do so.)
Other things that you should do are, come say 15 minutes before your interview, dress appropriately, thank your interviewer after the session and do not give your interviewer the impression that you are so desperate to get the job.

Tips on doing Mystery Shopping Assignments

As a general rule write objectively as much as possible i.e. make your comments in the general sense as opposed to giving comments relative to your personal preference.
Following are things that needed to be taken into account when writing a good review.
1. Comment on the appearance and cleanliness of the exterior and interior of the restaurant. (Though do not give negative comments for things that are beyond their control).
Make note of the posters being displayed and the messages conveyed by them. Comments whether they are eye-catching and up to date.
2. Make note of queuing time and the manner by which you were greeted by the member of staff serving you. Try to remember the exact greetings said. Make note also whether the member of staff asked for apology in case there was delay in serving you.
3. Comment on the presentability of the members of staff e.g. were they neat and dressed properly, were they wearing name badges? Observed whether their manner of greetings was perfunctorily or genuinely delivered. Were they smiling?
4. Take note of the length of time taken when serving your order. Good customer service should also include satisfaction check back. This should be included in a review.
5. Most importantly, comment on the quality of the food. Were they served in an appropriate temperature, did they taste good? Were they as described in the menu?
6. The cleanliness of cutlery and utensils must also be observed. Were they clean and presentable?
7. Visit the rest room. Observed the smell and its cleanliness. Appliances should be in good working condition, supply of soap and tissues should be adequate.
8. Observed whether music was being played and whether it was appropriate relative to the time of day. Make note also of the general temperature inside the restaurant.
9. In paying for your order, note the friendliness of cashier, i.e. did he thanked you for your payment, did he confirmed the exact amount (if paying cash), was his greetings genuine.
10. If you are commissioned to do the review by a mystery shopping company, make it sure to keep the receipt and note the shops adjacent to the restaurant as proof that you visited it plus the level of trade during your visit, give an approximate number of customers present.

Thursday, 2 July 2009
Tips on Driving in Australia
The following little help from a friend is brought to you by
Accor Hotels
When driving is Australia, make sure you have a valid license. It does not matter whether what country did it come from as long as it is valid and is written in English.
Your license is valid as long as your visa is valid, but once you got your permanent residency, you need to apply for an Australian license.
When your license expires then you need to renew it wherever you came from.
If you are from England or other countries recognised by Australian licensing authority you simply exchange your license for an Australian license.
Note that OZs drives on the right lane.

When driving is Australia, make sure you have a valid license. It does not matter whether what country did it come from as long as it is valid and is written in English.
Your license is valid as long as your visa is valid, but once you got your permanent residency, you need to apply for an Australian license.
When your license expires then you need to renew it wherever you came from.
If you are from England or other countries recognised by Australian licensing authority you simply exchange your license for an Australian license.
Note that OZs drives on the right lane.

Tips on Traveling to Philippines
Here some tips on traveling to Philippines.
( try
Accor Hotels for some great accomodation offers)
If you haven't visited Philippines before, you must be missing something. Traveling to Philippines could be your best choice among southeast asian nations. One big advantage is, if you are from a country in which the currency is dollar or pounds, then you can save a lot when you travel to Philippines because your money will be valued more. By way of comparison, if you spend £20 for your lunch, in the Philippines you can go to a nice and good quality restaurant for just a quarter of that amount. Indeed you won't regret traveling to Philippines.
You will enjoy more if you follow these some simple tips:
Learn some basic Filipino words and phrases, like 'magkano' for how much. This is important because Filipinos tends to charge higher the tourists on various transactions, but if you can speak a little Tagalog or Filipino then they would know that you how things are going.
If you want to go 'deeper' into Philippines far-flung areas, your best point of contact is the Barangay Captain or the head of the village. He can give you a trusted guide and people will not take advantage of your being a stranger once they knew that you are communicating with the Barangay Captain. P1000 pesos is more than enough for a guide and that is only equivalent to about £7.
If you lost your way, don't hesitate to ask anyone you met. As long as you speak slowly and clearly, they can put you back in the right track for most Filipinos can speak English though their manners of saying it may be significantly different from yours and the grammar may not be perfect but surely they can tell you the right way to go.
And one last thing before you go, book your accomodation with
Accor Hotels City Super Sale for some amazing offers that you can't say no to.
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If you haven't visited Philippines before, you must be missing something. Traveling to Philippines could be your best choice among southeast asian nations. One big advantage is, if you are from a country in which the currency is dollar or pounds, then you can save a lot when you travel to Philippines because your money will be valued more. By way of comparison, if you spend £20 for your lunch, in the Philippines you can go to a nice and good quality restaurant for just a quarter of that amount. Indeed you won't regret traveling to Philippines.
You will enjoy more if you follow these some simple tips:
Learn some basic Filipino words and phrases, like 'magkano' for how much. This is important because Filipinos tends to charge higher the tourists on various transactions, but if you can speak a little Tagalog or Filipino then they would know that you how things are going.
If you want to go 'deeper' into Philippines far-flung areas, your best point of contact is the Barangay Captain or the head of the village. He can give you a trusted guide and people will not take advantage of your being a stranger once they knew that you are communicating with the Barangay Captain. P1000 pesos is more than enough for a guide and that is only equivalent to about £7.
If you lost your way, don't hesitate to ask anyone you met. As long as you speak slowly and clearly, they can put you back in the right track for most Filipinos can speak English though their manners of saying it may be significantly different from yours and the grammar may not be perfect but surely they can tell you the right way to go.
And one last thing before you go, book your accomodation with

Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Tips on How to Write a CV
Tips on How to Write a CV.
Writing a CV is selling. You must be able to get the employer's attention and tell them who you really are.
The thing is they don't bother to know who you are, unless they are interested at you first.
Therefore there two steps in writing a good CV. First is get the attention or rouse their interest and number two, tell them all the detailed stuff about you.
Or simply writing a CV is just like writing a newspaper. You should have a headline page and then the rest of the story or the detailed ones are burried in the inside page.
So how do you write the headlines? Just simply tell them your greatest strength or selling point then on a separate header write a detailed chronological data of who you are.
Writing a CV is selling. You must be able to get the employer's attention and tell them who you really are.
The thing is they don't bother to know who you are, unless they are interested at you first.
Therefore there two steps in writing a good CV. First is get the attention or rouse their interest and number two, tell them all the detailed stuff about you.
Or simply writing a CV is just like writing a newspaper. You should have a headline page and then the rest of the story or the detailed ones are burried in the inside page.
So how do you write the headlines? Just simply tell them your greatest strength or selling point then on a separate header write a detailed chronological data of who you are.
How to Earn Money On Line
Try pay per post. It's the best site to find advertisers to your blog. I have been using their service for quite sometimes and I am very much satisfied with them.
Many think that earning online is scam, I thought the same until I started earning money from them.

I strongly recommend Payperpost specially for beginner bloggers.
If your blog is not earning you anything you are missing something.
Many think that earning online is scam, I thought the same until I started earning money from them.
I strongly recommend Payperpost specially for beginner bloggers.
If your blog is not earning you anything you are missing something.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
how to eat right
how to eat right?
Health is wealth, we must protect
Don't eat too much don't eat to less, don't eat too much fats and sugar eat loads of vegetables and fruits.
Actually you can eat as much as you can if you want to as long as you consume or burn calories in order not to accumulate unnecessary fats
try this link for more.
Health is wealth, we must protect
Don't eat too much don't eat to less, don't eat too much fats and sugar eat loads of vegetables and fruits.
Actually you can eat as much as you can if you want to as long as you consume or burn calories in order not to accumulate unnecessary fats
try this link for more.
Monday, 22 June 2009
How to tacke difficult questions during job interview
There are two questions which I found difficult to answer during interview and they are as follows:
1. What are your negative qualities?
Of course during interview you are selling yourself to the company and one of the basic principles in selling is you don't highlight the negative qualities of the products. The best thing to handle this is to translate the question, i.e.
Ads by Google
what is actually the interviewer after for? The answer is simple. He is actually not interested to know your negative traits but rather he is more interested on how do you cope up with your minus factors. Hence the best way to answer this question is to give him at least one negative quality of yours honestly and expound your answer by telling him how you are dealing with it. For example, tell him that coming on time is one of your weaknesses but you had already bought a very efficient alarm clock and that you haven't been late for the last, say 10 years, in coming to work.
2. Why did you leave your previous job or why do you want to leave your job?
Of course the answer is simple and straightforward i.e. you are no longer happy in it. But you don't have to just simply tell your interviewer this. For sure, he must already know it, lest you won't be applying for the job. What he actually wanted to know is that what you want to get on the job being offered which your current job cannot give you. Therefore your answer should focus more on what the job you are aiming for can offer which you couldn't get from your current job. For example you can say that you need more challenges or maybe you need to explore more on some other areas which your current job is not actually offering. Do not ever commit the mistake of defaming or telling negative about your current job because the message that you would be giving your interviewer is that, if he could not be happy in his current job, most likely he would not be in the job that we are offering.
1. What are your negative qualities?
Of course during interview you are selling yourself to the company and one of the basic principles in selling is you don't highlight the negative qualities of the products. The best thing to handle this is to translate the question, i.e.
Ads by Google
what is actually the interviewer after for? The answer is simple. He is actually not interested to know your negative traits but rather he is more interested on how do you cope up with your minus factors. Hence the best way to answer this question is to give him at least one negative quality of yours honestly and expound your answer by telling him how you are dealing with it. For example, tell him that coming on time is one of your weaknesses but you had already bought a very efficient alarm clock and that you haven't been late for the last, say 10 years, in coming to work.
2. Why did you leave your previous job or why do you want to leave your job?
Of course the answer is simple and straightforward i.e. you are no longer happy in it. But you don't have to just simply tell your interviewer this. For sure, he must already know it, lest you won't be applying for the job. What he actually wanted to know is that what you want to get on the job being offered which your current job cannot give you. Therefore your answer should focus more on what the job you are aiming for can offer which you couldn't get from your current job. For example you can say that you need more challenges or maybe you need to explore more on some other areas which your current job is not actually offering. Do not ever commit the mistake of defaming or telling negative about your current job because the message that you would be giving your interviewer is that, if he could not be happy in his current job, most likely he would not be in the job that we are offering.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
A little Help from a friend
What would you do if I sing out of tune?
Help is a leverage. Why do we keep on making things harder for us when we can do easier.
Lending a helping hand is giving a little help from a friend to a friend.
Have you heard about the story of heaven and hell. They say that both in heaven and hell foods are abundant. People in heaven are therefore healthy but not in hell. How did this happen? Well both in heaven and hell people have no elbows hence they can't feed themselves. While people in heaven feed each other people in hell do it the hard way, they tried to feed themselves but without bending their elbows, it's simply impossible.
What would you think if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me ?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
What do I do when my love is away
(Does it worry you to be alone ?)
How do I feel by the end of the day,
(Are you sad because you're on your own ?)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love.
Would you believe in a love at first sight
Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time
What do you see when you turn out the light
I can't tell you but I know it's mine,
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody
I just need someone to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
with a little help from my friends
Help is a leverage. Why do we keep on making things harder for us when we can do easier.
Lending a helping hand is giving a little help from a friend to a friend.
Have you heard about the story of heaven and hell. They say that both in heaven and hell foods are abundant. People in heaven are therefore healthy but not in hell. How did this happen? Well both in heaven and hell people have no elbows hence they can't feed themselves. While people in heaven feed each other people in hell do it the hard way, they tried to feed themselves but without bending their elbows, it's simply impossible.
What would you think if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me ?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
What do I do when my love is away
(Does it worry you to be alone ?)
How do I feel by the end of the day,
(Are you sad because you're on your own ?)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love.
Would you believe in a love at first sight
Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time
What do you see when you turn out the light
I can't tell you but I know it's mine,
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody
I just need someone to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
with a little help from my friends
Thursday, 14 May 2009
How to Live fully alive.
The glory of God is man fully alive. So how can we live a life that is fully alive.
It's simply by living the moment. Being more aware of the Now.
The only time that exists is now. Yesterday is a previous now and tomorrow will be the now to come.
The Time to be happy is now. As the song goes, the time to be happy is now, the place to be happy is here, and the way to be happy is to make other happy and to build a little heaven down here. In heaven there is no past nor future, it is always now. Everyone is happy all the time. No need to worry about the past or future. Yes, now is the time to be happy.
Try this
Natural Skincare Products from NZ to add more glory to your life and live a life that is fully alive.
It's simply by living the moment. Being more aware of the Now.
The only time that exists is now. Yesterday is a previous now and tomorrow will be the now to come.
The Time to be happy is now. As the song goes, the time to be happy is now, the place to be happy is here, and the way to be happy is to make other happy and to build a little heaven down here. In heaven there is no past nor future, it is always now. Everyone is happy all the time. No need to worry about the past or future. Yes, now is the time to be happy.
Try this

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